Upcoming events

Trivia night with MC Ken returns for 2025!
Every Thursday at Five Point Five Brewing @ 7pm, join us for trivia with MC Ken. Join the league! It's free. Get your team registered today to be invited to live Cash Tournaments!
Game Night
Our first ever official board game night at Five Point Five Brewing in collaboration with Koalatie Games. Join us for a night of tabletop games and card games this Wednesday night! Come learn a modern or classic game, or bring your own game to play!
1 Year Anniversary Party
Can’t believe it’s been 1 year since we opened our doors at Five Point Five. Time flies when you’re having fun! Join us for an epic party featuring @cuzziburger smash burgers, games and giveaways, a new commemorative shirt and more. We’ll also be tapping our anniversary barrel aged red ale, aged 6 months in whiskey barrels!
Friends reserve available pitch spots by filling out our online form. Once signed up, they prepare a 3-5 minute slide presentation highlighting the exceptional qualities of their single friend and why others should consider dating them.
All New Comedy Night
First Tuesday of every month is now YEAST! comedy night featuring lots of great local comics.
Magic Mondays Game Night
Mondays are now a good reason to get your game on. Bring your own board game, cards, dominoes or choose from our wide assortment of games from our game corner.
Paint & Sip
Desert Boho Wall Art! You get not 1 but 2 canvases! Pick your favorite colors, your current home decor colors or any of the recommended ones.
2 canvases 11x14 for one person or share with a friend.
Pet & Sip
The long awaited Paint and Sip event! It’s a paint your pet night! Includes 11x14 pre-sketched canvas and all supplies. Must submit photo of your pet by May 18th!
Focaccia Mama Popup
Back by popular demand. Come in for fresh, hand made focaccia flat bread by Focaccia Mama and crew! WHOLE FOCACCIA LOAVES AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE.

St. Patrick’s Day Party!
Join us for a special St. Patty’s day celebration! Special food vendors, music and yeah… green beer!

Superbowl Sunday
Join us for an epic Superbowl Sunday party. Serving your favorite beer, pizza and pretzels! Featuring a pop up food vendor, free table snacks, raffle prizes and football themed games.
Kickoff at 3:30PM

January Birthdays!
Calling all January birthdays! Join us this Friday January 19th at 8pm. Tag a January birthday celebrant and follow us @fivepointfivebrewing to receive your discounted birthday pint! Discount valid only on Jan 26th, 2024 when we blow out our birthday candles!

Trivia night with MC Ken
Now every Thursday at Five Point Five Brewing @ 7pm, join us for trivia with MC Ken. Join the league! It's free. Get your team registered today to be invited to live Cash Tournaments!

Neighbor Night/Taco Tuesday
We’ve invited all our El Segundo neighbors to come by and meet one another. Show your ID or business card and enjoy discounted beers. Also it’s taco Tuesday and Hapa Meals will be serving tacos all night on the patio!

Trivia night with MC Ken
Now every Thursday at Five Point Five Brewing @ 7pm, join us for trivia with MC Ken. Join the league! It's free. Get your team registered today to be invited to live Cash Tournaments!

The White Elephant Holiday Party
Spend the last few days of 2023 with your friends at Five Point Five Brewing! HOLIDAY FESTIVE ATTIRE ENCOURAGED.
Finish off your shopping list with us! Cans, Crowlers, and Gift Cards are available to take home.

Sunday Brunch with Hapa Meals
oin us for our first ever Sunday brunch with Hapa Meals catering and Bloody Gerry Michelada’s. Enjoy breakfast burritos and beers on a beautiful Sunday. Check back each week for our unique Sunday brunch vendor collabs!

Corazon De Oro official release party
Official can release party of our newest beer, Corazon De Oro (Heart of Gold) Mexican style blond lager. This beer is a collaboration with local LA artist Francisco Reyes Jr. of Never Made. Meet “Cisco”, the artist behind the brewery’s huge exterior mural at this release party. We will be serving up pints, 32oz crawlers and 16oz four packs of Corazon De Oro.

December Birthdays!
Calling all December birthdays! Join us this Friday Dec. 8 at 8pm. Tag a December birthday celebrant and follow us @fivepointfivebrewing to receive your discounted birthday pint! Discount valid only on Dec. 8, 2023 when we blow out our birthday candles!